Friday, May 17, 2019

Jack Ma's Life Advice Will Change Your Life (MUST WATCH)

life has teach us to be better.

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In this blog, You will know about how to your life happy,easy,better in simple way. And you will know in life is not hard to make it better.

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To have a simple life and happiness.


Do what is easy and your life will be hard. Do what is hard and your life will become easy.Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, difficulty. you have never in your life envied a human being who an easy life. but you have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and them well.
An easy life is rarely meaningful and meaningful life rarely easy.It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.


A big house or a new car won't actually make you happier; it's the simple joys in life that bring true happiness. Living a simple life is about paring back, so that you have space to breathe. It’s about doing with less, because you realize that having more and doing more doesn’t lead to happiness. It’s about finding joys in the simple things, and being content with solitude, contemplation and savoring the moment.
We want to live a simple life without stress or worry. You're work with what you have and join your life. If you treat someone well ,and you'll definitely get better too.


Happiness is more than a good feeling or a yellow smiley face. It's the feeling of truly enjoying your life, and the desire to make the very best of it. ... Happy people are better at reaching goals.Happy people are healthier.Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.Happiness is one of the most sought-after goals in life, yet for many it seems to be elusive. It's easy to delude ourselves into thinking, "When I just have that nice house and new car, then I can be happy." But in reality, happiness is available to all of us, right now. A big house or a new car won't actually make you happier; it's the simple joys in life that bring true happiness.
Our happiness depends on how we choose to look at the world.Our life are too short so do what you want to make it better.


One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.” ... “There are better people in the world, do not let the worst do the worst to you, you deserve the best in life